Proud partner of Digital4Business

Together with our consortium partners, we are reshaping the European digital landscape with a new online masters programme that merges academia and industry.

The future of business training

As a future-facing digital agency, Akkodis Italy is proud to be a partner in a new European online masters programme, Digital4Business.

Launched in March 2023, Digital4Business is a €19.92 million EU-funded project awarded under the DIGITAL Europe programme. It will accelerate digital transformation in Europe, helping businesses grow through innovation and the practical application of advanced digital skills.

The Digital4Business Consortium includes 15 partners from seven EU countries — uniting some of Europe’s most prestigious higher education institutes, research centres, training providers and industry partners.

A new generation of digital decision-makers

Our consortium of business leaders and academic experts are developing a comprehensive online masters programme that will bridge the growing skills gap in the European jobs market. Our graduates will lead the next generation of digital decision-makers, enhancing the European workforce with in-demand practical digital skills, backed by a rigorous academic grounding. Modules include AI, data science, cybersecurity, digital transformation and cloud computing.

The fully accredited and industry-certified masters will be chiefly taught online, with optional seminars, guest lectures and in-person networking events. The practical nature of the programme will be enhanced through dedicated work experience opportunities and mobility programmes with some of Europe’s most high-profile organisations. It’s the future of business training.

Our contribution

Akkodis Italy is co-leader together with DTLS of WP2 (Needs analysis & programme design). Akkodis contributes to the creation of the summary document which aims to understand what the European and international market is asking for in terms of innovative digital skills. The result of this document will be used in the next phase of definition of the training programs. Akkodis will also be responsible for implementing the student mobility strategy within the program and the student employability strategy during and after the training.